Recipient Manifestation (MDest-e)
Request a quoteElectronic Recipient Manifestation (MDest-e) enables that NF-e recipient can manifest (within 180 days) about its commercial participation included in NF-e, confirming information provided by its supplier and issuer of relevant fiscal document. Recipient manifestation can happen in four events:
Issuance Acknowledgment: Acknowledges electronic invoice existence before good receiving;
Operation Confirmation: It confirms the operation happened according to electronic invoice conditions;
Non-Performed Operation Record: Reports the operation was not performed and points out a justification;
Operation Lack of Knowledge: Reports electronic invoice lack of knowledge issued to the company.
- NF-e summary survey and automatic write-off provided by SEFAZ;
- Operation automatic acknowledgment, to perform XML download.
- Fiscal credit use legal safety;
- Acknowledgment of NF-e issued in all the country, with your company as recipient;
- Prevents improper use of your State Enrollment;
- Registers before your suppliers that the good has been received and establishes commercial relationship formally;
- Paper counterfoil replacement;
- Download of XML not submitted by supplier.