Request a quoteCTe OS Manager is one of SYNCHRO DFe Manager solution features. Its function is issuing Electronic Bill of Lading and other services (CT-e OS, template 67), electronic document to register cargo transport provision – values and other services, integral part of SPED (Digital Bookkeeping Public System) project. CT-e OS Manager feature has been developed in DFe Manager to minimize IT costs during solution adoption, and it is totally compliant with SEFAZ requirements.
- CTe OS Manager centralizes NF-e detailed information, including access keys, issuance/consent dates, cancellation processes, destruction, every OS information origin, and accounts submitted request quantity grouped by Organization and issuer;
- DACTEOS automatic setup and printing criteria;
- XML submission automatic processes (EPEC, SVC and Safety Form).
- CT-e OS issuance, and also relevant Electronic Correction Letter;
- Document printing, submission and storage cost reduction;
- Accessory obligation simplification, including AIDF (Fiscal Document Printing Consent) exemption;
- Short truck stoppage time in board fiscal station;
- For transporting company, good receiving invoice typing elimination;
- For the recipient, good receiving Bill of Lading typing elimination;
- Logistic planning due to CT-e OS early information receiving;
- Bookkeeping error reduction due to typing inaccuracies in Bill of Ladings.